
VSCO's social network for photos now lets you post videos

The feature has started rolling out to iOS-using members.

VSCO is mostly known for its photo and video editing capabilities, but you can actually post photos to its stripped-down social feed for its growing community of users to see. Now, the company has announced that it's expanding the social aspect of its application and giving members the ability to post videos.

In its announcement, VSCO said the use of its video editing tools doubled over the past year "even without the ability to post videos directly" onto its app. It's now making video publishing available to members, since it's apparently an oft-requested feature.

To post a video, users can go through the typical editing process and then choose the edited file from their camera roll. They can also add a caption if they want. The feature has already started rolling out to iOS-using members and will be available to Android users in the coming weeks. VSCO also promises to continue improving the feature and to introduce the capabilities to favorite and republish videos "very soon."